Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Market Revolution and Role of Women

Market Revolution and Role of Women The Rise of the Market Economy by American Women Nov 16, 2018 in Coursework The Rise of the Market Economy Empowered Women in America In the 18th and 19th centuries America went through market revolution, which influenced the gender roles socially, economically, and politically. During this revolution, both North and South America experienced different forms of industrialization, which broadened the scientific innovations and arts. Transportation and the scientific revolution profoundly changed the American economy from the scattered, independent regions, to a unified national economy. As a result of the spread and advancement in technology, there was overall rise in the market economy. Women were greatly empowered by this transformation. The revolution opened more opportunities for women and reduced the challenges they were going through previously. Womens empowerment was portrayed politically, socially, and economically in the different levels. Rise in the market economy resulted to individual and collective American womens empowerment.